About Us
The Lord joined Doug and Christie Tweed in marriage on May 26, 1973. Their lives are devoted to His Kingdom. But that was not always the case.
Raised by Christian parents. Doug slid away from faith as a teenager. After graduation from Duke University (1970) and Vanderbilt University School of Law (1973). he married Christie and began service as a JAG attorney with the US. Marine Corps. Five years and two baby daughters later. Doug left the Marines to become a civil trial attorney in Kingsport, Tennessee.
In 1993. Doug was recognized by the national publication. ‘Best Lawyers in America”. This honor paled, however. in comparison to the self-described ‘Damascus Road” experience in 1991 that rekindled Doug’s faith in Jesus. In 1994. he heard God’s call to full-time equipping ministry, left his law firm and entered Asbury Theological Seminary where he graduated with honors in 1997.
Doug served as a pastor for Methodist churches from 1994 until 2009. He was also the co-founder of Mustard Seed Ministries of Kingsport. a Christian counseling and mediation ministry, where he ministered from 1999 to 2006. In 2001. he organized the Kingsport Chamber of Prayer, a citywide ministry of daily intercession, where he served until 2007.
Christie teamed with Doug in ministry from the start. Her initial focus was worship in song and working with children & youth. Then in December 2006, God changed everything again. The Holy Spirit “fell” on their home, first with Christie and then with Doug. Existing spiritual gifts were deepened and new spiritual gifts imparted. Intimacy with God and each other was transformed to new levels of glory.
In 2009. Doug and Christie turned their full attention to Friends of the King Ministries, with their ministry site, called the Resting Place. opening the following year at 112 Shelby Street, Kingsport.
The abiding passion of Doug and Christie Tweed is to “be with Jesus”, ‘be like Jesus” and “be for Jesus”. They want everyone to hear and see the fullness of God’s call to life in Christ so the Church can experience revival. our communities can be transformed, and all people come to know and glorify God.