Healing and Deliverance Services
“You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached–how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.”
Acts 10:37-38
Salvation is much more than a ticket to go to heaven when we die. Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy on earth. (1 John 3:8) He will deliver us from evil’s oppression and heal every part of our lives – spirit, heart, mind, soul, body and relationships.
No Christian doubts the Lord’s ability to heal, but we often seem to question His willingness to heal. He is willing. (Matthew 8:3) We must remember that we are the Father’s children. If your child was sick, would you do everything in your power to heal that child? What would you do if your child was lonely, or sad, or confused, or afraid?
If you, who are far from perfect, would do everything in your power to heal or help your children, then how much more will our heavenly Father be ready and willing to do everything in His infinite power to heal and help His children? (Luke 11:13)
Doug & Christie have always had a passion to see people receive healing of heart, body, mind, soul and relationships. Doug continues to express this through:
Healing Services
Doug leads healing and deliverance services at the Resting Place every Tuesday, 7 PM. Doug is available to help organize or lead healing services for other congregations and groups.
Prayer & Counsel
Doug is a trained and gifted pastoral counselor of individuals, couples and families. Counseling sessions are saturated with prayer.
Healing Prayer Visits
Doug is available regionally to visit and pray with people in their homes or at healthcare facilities – the Lord loves to make “house calls.”